How this sticky, delicious liqueur is made is the secret of the Churchwarden himself!
We press apples from anyone who would like to be included each year, then distil, and age in oak until the recipe is just right. For every Kimpton Apple Press crate of sweet apples (NO COOKERS) you bring, you will be entitled to buy up to 3 bottles of 25%ABV alcoholic tipple at a reduced price.
There is nothing to pay until the liqueur is aged and ready (up to 2 years). We will then contact the group, and each can opt to buy their share at the reduced price of £28.
If you would like to buy a bottle (click the bottle below, or HERE) without contributing, Churchwarden’s is £34.
If you would like to contribute some apple juice to this year’s barrel, drop us an email by clicking here.
Tasting Sessions - by appointment only
Please send us an email if you would like to taste the tipple.
Apple Drop-off Dates for Churchwarden’s
We ask that you drop apples to be made into Churchwarden’s on specific dates, to avoid any confusion with the normals apple juice pressing, and to ensure that the blend of apples is as smooth as possible:
September 14th 2023.
More dates to be released soon!

If you contribute apples to the Churchwarden’s barrel, you can opt to buy your share at the reduced price of £28/bottle. If you would like to buy a bottle without contributing, Churchwarden’s is £34.